Welcome to another of this year’s Doug’s 12 Days of Christmas, at the intersection of the song, the children’s game, tradition, culture, and Christ-mas. If you’ve missed a few, check your in-box from yesterday, or ping [email protected]. Today. “Six…”
Six. I’ve known a lotta 6’s through the years. Big Six. Pick Six. Sixpence. Seal Team Six. Six Degress of Separation. The Six Million Dollar Man. (How ‘bout you?) But I’ve never seen “Six Geese A-layin’.” I’ve only known one goose in my life; we shared a few water holes together during a 3- day golf tourney. I handed out a few snacks the first day, and he was waitin’ for me the next two. Only goose I ever knew. …Now on to today’s real subject.
For the children who played the original “12 Days of Christmas” Game with their families or at a house church, the importance wasn’t on the “geese a-layin’,” it was on the “Six,” code for the Six Days of Creation. On the seventh day, God rested. Two thoughts for you as a leader this Christ-mas:
First, it’s a big choice we each have: “Do I believe we were created or not?” For today, I’m not askin’ the questions (significant as they are) about how old or young Earth is, or how long the universe has taken to grow to this point, or whether there’s life on other planets. Whenever and how it all started, what’s your belief? Creation or no? …It’s an important foundational question, because the only information any of us have as to the idea of a Creator, who He is, or why He did it is in the Bible. Yes, the same Bible that tells us about Jesus, the wise men, Mary and Joseph, and the angels watching their flocks by night, is the one that says God created us, He loves us, He wants us to have a purposeful and fulfilling life, and He gave instructions on how to treat each other. Foundationally, if we believe in the Creator, it behooves us to perhaps learn more about Him throughout the year, long after Christ-mas has come and gone. That’s an option.
Second, on this Sunday Sabbath, what do we think about rest. I mean, True Rest. “On the seventh day, He rested.” The research continually shows that too many of us spend too many of our days tired, fatigued, stressed, over-extended, way out over our skis. We’re often the last to realize we’re too tired. Getting regular sleep is not usually the first phase of most business achievement or self-development courses. Leaders who wish to succeed are often workin’ late, up early, chasin’ the rabbit, burnin’ it at both ends, with that thought that “when I can get just a little more ahead I can rest a bit.” And beyond physical fatigue comes emotional fatigue and soul fatigue. And when the baby Jesus grew up, He said, “Come to Me, and learn from Me…and I will give you rest for your souls.”
So whatever your golden goose is, or however busy you are six ways from Sunday, I hope you’ll reflect on the Creator, and on Rest, as this season progresses. Continued best to you and all those you love. See you tomorrow for “Five…”. -D
Note: As some of you have asked, info for giving to our Foundation and ministries is below. Whether it’s part of the year-end giving we all do, or if your special talent is generosity, our Foundation could use the boost. -Doug
12th Day…
…Good morning aviators, 12 points of the Creed.
11th Day…
…Baker’s miracle, 11 faithful disciples/learners.
10th Day…
…Ten Commandments, actually just two.
9th Day…
…Laker Girls, 9 fruits of the Spirit.
8th Day…
…ballplaying sisters milking, 8 Beatitudes
Prayer Day: Healing, perseverance for Tom McDonald
7th Day…
…Swans are graceful, as are those who use their Gifts for good
6th Day…
…He Created the first six days; Then a Real Rest.
5th Day…
4th Day…
3rd Day…
2nd Day…
1st Day…

Year-End Giving Info:
Credit card here
Insignia Foundation
P.O. Box 309
Loveland, Ohio 45140
Bob Lynch, Treasurer
[email protected]
Individual Coaching:
[email protected]